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Our crisis management services:
Defining internal and external sources of the crisis
Find out moreOwn system of immediate support in a crisis - REDALERT24
Find out moreDevelopment of the crisis book - threats and patterns of conduct
Find out moreHierarchy of threats and development of an anti-crisis strategy
Find out moreManaging a crisis situation in the media and on the Internet - crisis PR
Find out moreRebuilding a tarnished image of a company or product
Find out more
REDALERT24 - immediate support
Crises break out suddenly. They have various causes. Different faces. Every third company has to deal with rumors, black PR and hate on the Internet. Every fourth organization has to defend its good name due to a product defect. One in five struggles with a crisis because of a conflict with a business partner * - being aware of this data does not protect against the crisis.
We know that anticipation is key to the survival of an organization. I also know that not everything can be planned. We can act in a crisis. We prevent the problem from escalating. We minimize losses. We restore stabilization.
Ask about RedAlert24 - the integrated Crisis Management System is a proprietary procedure for dealing with a crisis. We will help you get through the crisis situation. Crisis PR - we have extensive experience in handling orders of this type.
Crisis management - the perspective of distance
Customer relationships are like a soccer match. It is you and your organization that bear the cost of missed opportunities. It doesn't have to be that way.
Based on the case studies, we will show you the lost profit mechanism. We will analyze the sales funnel and assess potential threats and damage to your image.
We will offer action strategies dedicated to your organization to eliminate and mitigate the effects of crisis situations in the future.
25 percent of the largest Polish companies do not have a strategy for operating in a crisis.
Is your organization ready for a crisis situation?
Are there people trained in your company to manage the crisis well?
64 percent PR agency considers training to be the most effective tool in crisis prevention.
What do you think would be the most effective tool in fighting the crisis in your company?