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PR agency Rzeszow

PR agency Rzeszow? With us, your business will enter a higher league. Customers will love your brand. And you will observe spectacular results from a comfortable position. 25 years of experience meant that we would not call it a challenge. And a formality.

We serve brands worth millions. We ran a presidential PR campaign. We know what it means to act on a large scale. And we know how much energy you put into creating your brand. Now let us act. Work with professionals.

Selected services:


Build a strong brand

Communication strategy

Reach the right audience

Google Ads

Get high ranking on Google

Public relations

Lead effective PR activities
Many cities - and businesses - lose or earn income based on their image.
Public relations plays an important role in supporting change and development.

Public relations does something advertising cannot.

Builds the credibility of the image. And it does it just as effectively in the case of cities, companies, institutions and people.

Public relations

PR. A shortcut that revolutionized the business world. It applies to the company, brand, products, services or employees. It becomes the foundation for the successful functioning of the organization. Create your image with Commplace. Reach out with us for more. Reach for success with us.

Internal PR

Internal PR increases communication efficiency. It improves the flow of information. Eliminates organizational chaos. It reduces the risk of a crisis within the company. At Commplace, we know how to manage it to efficiently achieve internal goals. See what plan we will create for your organization.

External PR

External PR allows you to create the image of your organization. An image you can control. An image that works to the benefit of your brand. Find out how we can help you stay in control. Ask us for an offer.

Creating a brand strategy for the city brings out the distinctive features of this place. So that it can offer its target audience an important and compelling promise. Who will do it best? PR agency. Rzeszów is one of the cities that, being aware of this, focuses on public relations

PR for companies with Rzeszow

While your business can survive without PR, it's unlikely you'll get the attention it deserves.

Effective PR strategy will help you gain leads and new clients.

Your company will be introduced to a whole new audience who would never otherwise discover you.

We will become for your company not only a PR service provider. We will be your strategic partner on the way to success

Check the consulting offer PR agency

B2B Marketing

How to effectively reach business customers? Is it worth building a strong brand in B2B? How should effective B2B marketing work in practice?

Customer lifetime value (CLV)

Are you following your customers carefully enough? Do you know what value they have for your business? Change the way you think about customer acquisition.

Reference Marketing

70 percent of consumers make decisions influenced by references or recommendations. Do your clients recommend your services?

HR + PR = Employer Branding

Your company's reputation today has measurable importance on the market. Are you ready to become a better employer? Employer branding strategy is an obligation.

Internal communication

Good communication in the organization means measurable financial benefits. Its lack is a waste of opportunities and potential - can your company afford it?

Crisis management

The crisis is inevitable. When will you appear, will you fight the crisis or for the company's survival?

COMMPLACE a modern PR agency

25 years of experience.
Support for 300 brands.
Over 1,000 corporate events
Proprietary solutions in marketing.

Meet Commplace

Our statistics

An offer tailored to your needs.
Efficiency is key.
Check us out.

Consulting offer

A non-standard range of communication and sales support services. Our consulting offer is always individualized.

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Product offer

We only present solutions that our clients need and are able to implement. We deliver specific, measurable results.

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Free Quote

We have a dedicated offer for you.

PR agency Rzeszow?

Write us what your business goals are. Commplace experts will indicate possible solutions that will maximize the expected results.

We operate much wider

Comprehensiveness is the key word. We look at your organization holistically. Yes, to choose complementary solutions that will allow you to achieve success. Check what proposals we will prepare for you.

Public Relations Agency Rzeszow

We use our extensive business knowledge in our daily activities. We use the latest and most effective digital tools. All this to identify strategic development opportunities for the client's company from every angle. No matter where its location is.

The seat of the company is just an address. PR agency in Rzeszów or Wrocław - location does not matter. Bet on cooperation with experienced experts. Don't limit your options. Check out effective Commplace solutions. We will specify what activities your company needs. We will estimate their duration. We will define the effects.

PR agency Rzeszow

Forever young

Once again, the capital of Podkarpacie was in the first place in terms of the highest population growth among voivodeship capital cities in Poland - 2.6 per 1 thousand. population (US report at the end of the first half of 2020) No wonder that the city has a large number of places in nurseries and kindergartens. School and pre-school students learn, among others. Chinese language.

Europolis Award

Rzeszów is an extremely dynamically developing city that maintains a constantly high level of education. It invests in city infrastructure and provides a rich cultural offer - numerous exhibitions, theater performances and concerts. The efforts of Rzeszów are reflected in the achieved high, 2nd position in the Ranking "Europolis - Cities for the Young" 2019.

Rzeszów cellars

The "Underground Tourist Route" of Rzeszów runs at a length of 369 m and a depth of 0.5 - 10 m. Corridors dug for years by the inhabitants of the capital of Podkarpacie were originally used as a shelter during armed conflicts. They also served as warehouses and prospered as shops - currently restored and connected, they constitute a unique complex and an excellent example of the efficiency of the inhabitants of that time.

In what PR agency Rzeszów can help your company?

PR agency in Rzeszów is usually a dynamic and professional company dealing with broadly understood communication and brand promotion in Rzeszów and its vicinity. Its experienced team of specialists should perfectly understand the importance of effective and targeted communication in building a brand and gaining loyal customers.

What distinguishes our PR agency?

Firstly, it is our understanding of the local market and the specifics of the Rzeszów region. Thanks to this, we are able to adapt PR strategies and promotional campaigns to the unique needs and expectations of our clients. Our knowledge of the local environment allows us to effectively reach the target audience by creating persuasive and engaging messages.

Does the Rzeszów PR agency offer comprehensive PR services that include planning and implementing effective communication strategies? Our team of PR, marketing and social media specialists provides support at every stage of the process. Regardless of whether you need help in building your brand image, organizing press conferences, creating content or crisis management, you can rely on our knowledge and experience.

Our priority is efficiency and achieving specific results for our clients. That is why we carefully analyze business goals and create personalized communication strategies that effectively build brand awareness, increase customer loyalty and generate sales growth.

We do not know exactly what the cooperation with the Rzeszów PR agency looks like. However, if you take advantage of our support, you will gain access not only to our knowledge and skills, but also to a partner who really listens and understands your needs. We are committed to the success of our clients and strive to provide them with the best possible results.

If you are looking for a professional PR partner in Rzeszów, regardless of the size of your company, contact us today. We will be happy to know your goals and needs in order to propose personalized communication solutions that will contribute to the development of your brand and achieve business success.

See our locations:
PR agency Wrocław;
PR agency Krakow;
PR agency Katowice;
PR agency Poznań;
PR agency Warsaw;
PR agency Lublin;
PR agency in Łódź ;
PR agency in Szczecin;
PR agency in Opole;
PR Agency Bielsko Biała;
PR agency in Białystok;
PR agency in Gdynia;
PR agency Sosnowiec;
PR agency in Jelenia Góra;
PR agency Elbląg;
PR agency;

Good to know:

How to find a good PR agency in Rzeszów?

Are you looking for a good PR agency in Rzeszów, but you don't know where to start? There is nothing to worry about, because thanks to a clever strategy and systematic search, you can find an agency that meets your expectations. First, it's a good idea to start by searching for PR agencies online and browsing their website and references. Then it's worth contacting a few companies and setting up an interview with a representative to get to know their approach to work and the services they offer. Don't be afraid to ask for details and analyze offers before you make a decision. Always remember that your interests are the most important, so it is worth choosing the agency that will be right for you at 100%.

Features of a good PR agency in Rzeszów?

A good PR agency in Rzeszów are true specialists in creating a positive image of a company or brand. Although there are many such companies, only the most experienced ones, with the appropriate knowledge and skills, are able to meet the requirements of customers and convince them to use their services. In addition to creativity, good ideas and strategic thinking, the Rzeszów PR agency must be able to adapt its activities to the changing market realities. It is worth paying attention to the agency's portfolio and opinions of other clients to choose the one that can actually achieve the intended goals.

Examples of PR activities in Rzeszów?

PR agencies aim to help companies gain publicity and engage audiences. There are many PR agencies in Rzeszów, but only the best of them offer unique and innovative approaches to marketing activities. PR Rzeszów Agency is one of those companies that has gained recognition in the industry thanks to its creative thinking and understanding the needs of its clients. It deals with image strategy, content publication, event organization and many other areas that contribute to marketing success. That is why it is worth paying attention to the PR agency from Rzeszów, whose innovation and professional approach to activities will delight every client.

Do you need help with your business development?

Bartosz Zieliński

Bartosz Zieliński Managing director

+48 665 379 071
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