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Employer branding agency Poland

Employer branding agency Poland ma za zadanie ocieplenie wizerunku firmy w oczach odbiorców. Silna i spójna tożsamość to fundament sukcesu każdej firmy. Aby ją osiągnąć, kluczowe jest, aby agencja employer branding, niezależnie czy działająca w Polsce, czy w innym kraju, przeprowadziła dogłębne analizy i zaplanowała skuteczne działania wizerunkowe.

W Commplace działamy kompleksowo. Nasze analizy skupiają się na celach firmy klienta, jej wartościach i wizji przyszłości. Dbamy o pełne zrozumienie zarówno wewnętrznych, jak i zewnętrznych perspektyw. Nasze działania obejmują nie tylko pracowników, ale także współpracowników i potencjalnych kandydatów, budując silny wizerunek, który przyciąga i zatrzymuje najlepsze talenty.

Selected services:


= Employer Branding

Company reputation

become a better employer


attract only talents

Employer brand

build it with us!
Employer branding agency Poland

Find a partner tailored to your needs!

The Employer Branding Polska agency is tasked with building the brand image in the eyes of candidates as an employer of choice. In the currently crowded market, it is necessary to hire a specialized entity that will build this image. Bet on the experience of experts!

Employer branding Polska

Employer branding can be divided into internal and external. Internal activities are aimed at the company's employees. They mainly focus on creating an employee-friendly environment. On the other hand, external employer branding is aimed mainly at potential employees. The aim of these activities is to create an appropriate image of the company as an attractive employer.

Don't lose employees

Employed employees are the ambassadors of your company. Their opinions are the most reliable source of information. Both for candidates for work in your company, clients or contractors. Do you prefer looking for new employees or investing in those you already have? We will help you become an employer that employees do not want to leave!

Build a strong brand

You don't know what your audience sees, reads or hears about working in your company? If you have a disturbing feeling about how your company is perceived externally, it's time to do an employer branding audit. Ask us how we can conduct it in your company and take care of internal PR. The employer's brand is one of our specializations.

Every company and organization has a certain image in the environment in which it operates. Remember that lack of image is also image! Don't leave such an important point to chance.

Employer branding agency Poland

Effective employer branding is a strategy that gives you benefits and helps you gain an advantage in the market. Lack of an employer branding strategy does not pay off.

Agency employer branding Poland

Employee involvement in the development of the company

Employer branding strategy - building the company's image

Employer brand - corporate image and internal PR audit

Employer branding agency Poland

Employer branding in practice can and should result from the company's overall operating strategy. At Commplace, we strive to create a positive image of the company - consistent and coherent at each level.

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A non-standard range of communication and sales support services. Our consulting offer is always individualized.

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We only present solutions that our clients need and are able to implement. We deliver specific, measurable results.

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Employer branding agency Poland

We build strong employer brands.
Our strength is: experience, looking for effective solutions and listening to customer needs!

We offer an audit of the company's image as an employer brand, preparation and implementation of an employer branding strategy, workshops with managers in the field of building interpreter relations and much more!

Employer branding agency Poland

Employer branding agency Polska, Poznań, Gdańsk - EB is our specialty. In our offer you will find, among others an audit that determines the identification of employees with the company or the development of procedures and an internal communication and CSR program. Trust an agency with experience.

We have been operating on the Polish market for over 25 years, providing clients with modern PR and employer branding solutions. The best proof of the effectiveness of our activities are the opinions of satisfied customers. You can also be among them!

Employer branding agency Poland

Poland - a capital with iconic architecture

The iconic Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw is a huge building with over 3,000 rooms, used as conference rooms, sports arenas, auditoriums, bars, cinemas and offices. But did you know that ... cats work here? They may not be on the official payroll, but dozens of cats roam the building every day to fight the mouse infestation on the lower floors. But cats and rodents aren't the only animals that live here. The upper floors are home to the kestrels, and there is an apiary on the sixth floor.

Regions with potential

In the strategic communication for the Katowice brand, emphasis is placed on the ability to surprise. The positioning of Katowice as a metropolitan city, with strong Silesian and post-industrial roots, and at the same time open and focused on continuous development, acts as a magnet for multidimensionality and "otherness" as promotional distinguishing features of Katowice.

KRK = Culture-Development-Creativity

Krakow focuses on territorial marketing. As part of these activities, it supports commercial brands - local companies and products as well as brands of non-commercial institutions, eg cultural institutions, associations and foundations, dealing with social development, etc. By giving them its authority, the city expects reciprocity - supplying place brands with the values of other local brands.

How we work

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Events for companies

Own Event Center

Check what we can help you with!

Building the image of an employer as one who provides excellent conditions for his employees is not a task for days, weeks or even months. In times of major turmoil on the labor market, it is not easy to find stability in terms of employment. So being able to find the right candidates for specific positions is worth the effort and it certainly pays off. It's definitely easier with us!

Get to know us better!

See in which areas we provide support!

Employer branding agency Poland - what is behind it? We deal with the comprehensive preparation and development of the EB strategy. We have our own training and conference center with accommodation in the vicinity of Karpacz. All this means that we deal with, for example, the organization of team building events on our own and comprehensively.

See the offer!

Enjoy slow food!

In our kitchen, we have a wide range of dishes to choose from. These are natural dishes, cooked by the best chefs. The wide offer allows us to satisfy the tastes of even the most demanding customers. The menu also includes suggestions for vegans and vegetarians, and people with food intolerances.

Get to know us from the kitchen

Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

Which employer branding agency Poland can boast of its own event center? Situated in the heart of the majestic mountains, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy has witnessed many unforgettable events. Stylish rooms in a boutique style. Rose garden with a fountain. Fresh dishes prepared in a traditional way, without artificial additives and improvers. Life tastes different here!

Find out more!

PR Academy

The PR Commplace Agency is a unique place with its own training center in the Korona Karkonoszy Manor. The PR Academy we have created is a space for the development of your brand. Take advantage of our trainings and workshops. Acquire new knowledge and practical skills. Stay ahead of the competition. Achieve success.

We are a consulting company with its own conference and event center

We have already organized 1100 events. We specialize in organizing tailor-made events. The most popular are team building events, culinary tournaments and the Goldberg Machine. We also offer accommodation in unique apartments, lounges and rooms. Companies have at their disposal an extensive menu of dishes and our brand of craft beer and coffee.

We have rooms with full equipment, allowing you to freely conduct training for smaller or larger groups.
We specialize in activities in the area of team building and scenario events. We invite.

B2B sales support workshops

We are aware that the most important aspect in any business is customer acquisition. Are you interested in B2B sales support? Take advantage of the PR Academy workshops conducted by our public relations experts.

Customer personalization. Generating online leads. Sales audit. These are just some of the topics that we discuss during the B2B sales support workshops. We are also going a step further. We present methods of finalizing the transaction. Ask us about the next available workshop date at the PR Academy.
Who are the workshops for?
- entrepreneurs,
- managers,
- managers / directors of sales departments,
- traders,
- employees supporting the sales department.

Managing a company in crisis

Get ready for crisis management. Don't wait for a crisis to occur. Plan your activities with the PR COMMPLACE agency to stay in control of the situation. Sign up for a proprietary training program under the PR Academy conducted by our agency.

Contrary to appearances, the crisis does not break out only on Fridays after 4pm. It can happen any day. At any time. That is why it is so important to create an action plan. How? Our experts will answer this question during the crisis management training. Take advantage of the extensive experience of Commplace PR specialists. And in the event of an emergency - ask for immediate help.
Who is the program for?
- entrepreneurs,
- managers,
- managers / directors,
- PR department employees.

employer agency branding Poland

Celem wszelkich działań employer brandingowych jest zapobieganie odejściom pracowników i przyciąganie nowych, utalentowanych osób do firmy. Problem fluktuacji kadr dotyka niemal każdej branży, a rynek pracy, który obecnie sprzyja pracownikom, ułatwia im szybką zmianę zatrudnienia bez obaw o dłuższe przerwy w pracy. Co więcej, wynagrodzenia za podobne zadania są często na podobnym poziomie w różnych firmach.

Jak zatem uczynić firmę bardziej atrakcyjną dla pracowników? Jakie kryteria decydują o wyborze pracodawcy? Odpowiedzi na te pytania, dzięki odpowiednim narzędziom, dostarcza agencja employer brandingowa. Działania employer brandingowe nie powinny ograniczać się do jednego miasta – firmy w całej Polsce powinny postawić na EB, by skutecznie konkurować o talenty.

What is Employer Branding?

Employer branding, z angielskiego „brand building pracodawcy”, to proces, w którym firmy kreują wizerunek atrakcyjnego miejsca pracy, oferującego rozwój zawodowy i satysfakcję. Agencje employer brandingowe, takie jak Agencja Employer Branding Polska, pomagają budować taki wizerunek, aby firma była postrzegana jako pracodawca z wyboru. W dynamicznym i konkurencyjnym rynku pracy, profesjonalne wsparcie w tym zakresie jest kluczowe.

Employer branding dzieli się na dwa obszary: wewnętrzny i zewnętrzny. Działania wewnętrzne skierowane są do obecnych pracowników firmy i koncentrują się na tworzeniu przyjaznego środowiska pracy, rozwijaniu potencjału pracowników, organizowaniu konkursów i szkoleń. Z kolei działania zewnętrzne mają na celu budowanie pozytywnego wizerunku firmy w oczach potencjalnych kandydatów.

Agencja Employer Branding Polska wspiera organizacje w obu tych obszarach, wdrażając skuteczne strategie mające na celu nie tylko przyciąganie nowych talentów, ale także zwiększanie lojalności obecnych pracowników.

Korzyści płynące z employer brandingu

Jednym z ważniejszych celów employer brandingu jest redukcja kosztów związanych z rekrutacją i szkoleniem nowych pracowników. Każdy nowo zatrudniony pracownik wymaga wdrożenia i przeszkolenia, co generuje dodatkowe koszty. Im bardziej zaawansowana technologia, tym dłuższy proces wdrażania, co może trwać nawet kilka tygodni. Zdarza się, że przeszkolony pracownik decyduje się na odejście po krótkim czasie, co stanowi znaczną stratę dla firmy. Dzięki wsparciu agencji employer brandingowej, przedsiębiorstwa mogą zminimalizować takie ryzyko.

Wizerunek marki a employer branding

Na wizerunek marki składa się wiele elementów, które agencje employer brandingowe, jak Agencja Employer Branding Polska, pomagają zdiagnozować i zoptymalizować. Pozytywne doświadczenia klientów oraz sprawnie przeprowadzone procesy zakupowe przyczyniają się do budowania pozytywnych skojarzeń z marką. To złożony proces, który wymaga wsparcia zarówno z zakresu HR, jak i marketingu.

Zwrot z inwestycji w employer branding

Agencje employer brandingowe, jak Agencja Employer Branding Polska, mierzą efektywność swoich działań poprzez zwiększanie świadomości marki wśród potencjalnych kandydatów, co prowadzi do wyższego wskaźnika konwersji przy jednoczesnym zmniejszeniu kosztów rekrutacyjnych.

Działania te obejmują zarówno komunikację wewnętrzną skierowaną do obecnych pracowników, jak i zewnętrzną, mającą na celu przyciąganie nowych talentów. Agencja Employer Branding Polska organizuje różnorodne wydarzenia, takie jak pikniki firmowe, wyjazdy integracyjne czy szkolenia, a także prowadzi kampanie w mediach społecznościowych, by budować company image jako atrakcyjnego pracodawcy.

Wsparcie w komunikacji zewnętrznej

Agencja Employer Branding Polska może również pomóc w opracowaniu skutecznej communication strategy zewnętrznej, wyróżniającej firmę na tle konkurencji. Employer branding skierowany jest nie tylko do potencjalnych pracowników, ale także do kontrahentów, co dodatkowo wpływa na postrzeganie marki. Kluczowe jest stworzenie tożsamości firmy, określenie, kim jesteśmy, co oferujemy nowym pracownikom i jakie wartości promujemy.

Partnerstwo z agencją employer brandingową

Agencja Employer Branding Polska to profesjonalny partner w budowaniu atrakcyjnego wizerunku pracodawcy. Oferując szeroki zakres usług, w tym optymalizację SEO, agencja pomaga zwiększyć widoczność marki, docierając do najlepszych talentów na rynku. Dzięki wsparciu w tworzeniu unikalnych treści i optymalizacji strony internetowej, firma może skuteczniej przyciągać kandydatów i budować silną pozycję na rynku pracy.

Działania agencji obejmują zarówno analizę trendów i słów kluczowych, jak i opracowanie spersonalizowanych strategii SEO, które dostosowywane są do specyficznych potrzeb i celów firmy. Jeśli szukasz partnera, który pomoże Ci zbudować silny employer branding i zdobyć przewagę konkurencyjną, Agencja Employer Branding Polska jest właściwym wyborem.


See our locations:
PR agency Wrocław;
PR agency Krakow;
PR agency Katowice;
PR agency Poznań;
PR agency Warsaw;
PR agency Lublin;
PR agency in Łódź ;
PR agency in Szczecin;
PR agency in Opole;
PR Agency Bielsko Biała;
PR agency in Białystok;
PR agency in Gdynia;
PR agency Sosnowiec;
PR agency in Jelenia Góra;
PR agency Elbląg;
PR agency;

Good to know:

What specific services and solutions does an employer branding agency offer in terms of employer branding?

An employer branding agency offers many specific services and solutions that help build a positive image of the employer. First of all, the agency can help in creating an employer branding strategy that takes into account the company's goals and the needs of employees. The employer branding agency can also conduct labor market research and analysis to help understand the expectations of potential employees. Additionally, employer branding agency can help in creating advertising campaigns and defining messages that are to reach the appropriate segment of the labor market. All these services ultimately help to build a positive image of the employer and attract the best employees to the company.

What are the benefits of hiring an employer branding agency compared to conducting employer branding activities yourself?

Hiring an employer branding agency can provide many benefits, especially when compared to carrying out activities related to the promotion of the employer brand yourself. An employer branding agency specializes in building the image of an employer and can propose a variety of strategies and tactics that will help improve the company's reputation in the eyes of job candidates. In addition, employer branding agencies have specialists and experience that will enable the creation of a consistent and effective campaign. Therefore, if you want to increase the attractiveness of your company for potential employees, it is worth considering hiring an employer branding agency.

Do you need help with your business development?

Bartosz Zieliński

Bartosz Zieliński Managing director

+48 665 379 071
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