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A/B testing

A/B testing – what is it and what does it involve?


A/B tests are comparative tests whose task is to compare at least two different versions - e.g. content - and assess which of them is more effective and better reaches the audience. With A/B benchmarking we can compare websites differing in only one detail or a few significant features.

A/B tests interesting facts, or what is worth knowing about them

Where will we use A/B testing?

A/B testing can be used for a variety of tasks. Using them, you can compare the reactions of individual groups of recipients to individual elements placed on the website. The main goal of performing an A/B test is to select the best possible solution and, consequently, increase conversion rates. A/B testing allows you to choose solutions that best appeal to your audience, trigger the desired reactions and directly influence the number of visitors to a given website.

Is A/B testing beneficial?

A/B testing is unique and brings incredible benefits because it can be performed in virtually any area and in any way you choose. Their role in individual studies has long been recognized as extremely useful. Testing different layouts, colors and content on the website allows you to identify the best solutions in terms of usability and user experience. Thanks to A/B testing, decision-making is based on data, which minimizes the risk of making changes without first checking their effects.

A/B testing – the most important information

A/B benchmarking can take many forms. These may include comparative tests of websites, where the readability of content, colors and other parameters are checked to help determine which variant arouses the greatest interest and attracts the largest number of visitors. Next are A/B tests comparing email marketing topics and activities. In this case, the tested group of people is appropriately divided and it is assessed which version brings results in the form of a larger number of e-mail messages opened and read. A/B testing can also take the form of comparing different content and examining the behaviors they trigger.

Many people are probably wondering whether it is worth conducting comparison tests. The answer is not clear, because A/B tests bring the most benefits when they are carried out regularly. For some people, the results may not be very reliable.

A/B testing allows for a detailed analysis of each website, both as a whole and its individual elements. The most important thing, however, is to make sure what exactly we are interested in and what data we want to obtain before conducting a specific test and analyzing the indicated area. A detailed presentation of the issue under investigation is crucial to obtaining a specific answer and obtaining guidance on the direction of further action.


A/B testing is a very effective and simple research method that involves showing a selected group of recipients at least two different versions of one product. It may be, for example, an e-mail message, a specific element of a website, or the entire website, although such a solution is quite rare. Conducting such a test answers the questions about which version is better received by recipients and which encourages them to take a specific action - it may be filling out a survey or clicking on a given link or banner. There are many such activities and the final course of the examination depends only on the specific case. To be meaningful, A/B tests should not be conducted randomly. Each should be carefully considered.

It is very important to carefully analyze the results after completing the tests, which is necessary to implement changes. But it doesn't end there. In the next steps, you should carefully observe their effects and, if necessary, perform further tests. 

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