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Page loading speed

Page loading speed – seconds count

page loading speed


Charging speed Web page is of great importance to all its users because it influences positioning and the bounce rate. Loading speed, simply put, is the time between the moment a website address is clicked and the time the website content is fully loaded on the screen. This applies to both computer screens, mobile phones, tablets and other mobile devices.

Charging speed – interesting facts

The loading speed of a website is of great importance because it directly affects user satisfaction. If, after clicking on an address or banner, the page takes a very long time to load or does not open at all, it will certainly cause irritation and dissatisfaction of the user. Unfortunately, in most cases this will result in you not wanting to further explore the website. Internet users are extremely sensitive to the speed of loading websites, so delays of even a few seconds are unacceptable.

When it comes to website loading speed, the shorter the process, the better. Loading speed is one of the main factors influencing the high search results of a given website, so you should pay special attention to this parameter. Failure to do so will result in decreased user engagement and an increase in the bounce rate.

Charging speed – the most important information

If a website loads quickly enough, it brings tangible benefits, especially from the point of view internet marketing. What determines the loading speed of a website? There are many different factors that influence it directly and indirectly. The most common mistakes that affect the loading speed are: lack of image optimization, using incorrect HTML code, too much saturation of the page with various functions, as well as an inappropriate server or its poor quality.

What's the best way to check page loading speed? The easiest way is to check how the website loads yourself - on your computer and other devices. If there are problems, we can identify it ourselves. Then, corrective actions can be implemented using appropriate instruments.

We can successfully check the page loading speed using tools available on the market, i.e. special programs. The result obtained thanks to them will be reliable and precise. Depending on your needs and possibilities, you can choose between free programs and more professional ones, but this time - paid ones.

When checking page loading speed, it is best to do it on both desktop and mobile devices. Many programs, apart from measurement, also offer tips on how to proceed. These tips are primarily intended to help improve the current state of page loading speed, and in the long run they will improve your position in searches.

Charging speed should be tested regularly, not only when you notice problems. This way we will be able to respond on an ongoing basis. It is worth adding that loading problems do not always affect the entire content of the page. Sometimes it may happen that the problem is only with one element. However, even this can have a very negative impact on the website's performance.


The loading speed of your website affects its efficiency and user experience. Correct operation of the website brings benefits to both website owners and recipients. Loading speed affects quality, which directly translates into search results. Appropriate speed also generates more traffic on the website, increases the conversion rate and at the same time reduces the bounce rate.

If you notice problems with page loading speed, you should take corrective steps as soon as possible. Compressing images and photos on the website, optimizing the server and other practices recommended by specialists may be helpful.

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