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Remarketing – what is it?



Remarketing, or retargeting, means directing your advertising offer again to a person who has already visited our website, but did not convert. Remarketing involves showing people ads for a specific brand while they visit other websites. Remarketing is an extremely valuable activity because nowadays customers often do not make a purchase decision on their first visit online store, but they compare offers and only after some time do they finally decide to buy in one place rather than another.

Remarketing – interesting facts you need to know!

Remarketing is an activity that often gives the impression that advertisements for a given product follow us step by step, because they are displayed on the websites we visit. websites. However, this is not just an impression, because this is how remarketing works. Using pixels and tags to identify people, it is able to precisely track all our steps on the Internet and follow us.

There are situations where someone logs in to our store's website, selects a product, but ultimately does not make a purchase. However, we have collected valuable data, such as your e-mail address, and we can use it to send messages reminding you about the products waiting in your basket. This is also remarketing.

Remarketing – the most important information

The main goal of remarketing is to increase the profit of online stores by making purchases by customers acquired thanks to it. It focuses on people who have already had contact with a given website at least once. After all, the moment they visited the website for the first time, they became its potential customers - it is worth taking advantage of it. Remarketing ads are the perfect way to bring people back to your product and return them to the store to complete their purchase.

Remarketing is a key element of online sales and e-commerce strategies, significantly influencing retention brand image in the minds of potential customers. Thanks to this strategy, it is possible to effectively remind about the products offered, which helps the brand remain in the recipients' memory. As a result, making purchasing decisions becomes much more intuitive and friendly.

Remarketing can take many forms. One option is advertising on Google, based on remarketing lists, i.e. selected groups of recipients who have met certain conditions. Facebook, in turn, offers the option of selecting users yourself and targeting them with ads, or using the Facebook algorithm. Remarketing ads in social media may come from various sources, depending on our preferences and strategy.


Remarketing is a process whose goal is to remember a given brand as best as possible, so that it becomes the buyer's first choice when making a purchase decision. Remarketing can bring a lot of benefits to the brand. Firstly, it allows customers to increase awareness of its existence. Secondly, its purpose is to remind potential customers about abandoned shopping carts and the possibility of completing the purchase. Thirdly, remarketing supports building a loyal customer base by engaging current customers in the advertising process.

It's worth being aware that remarketing helps increase your audience's engagement rate, even in the absence of a purchase. What counts here are activities such as visits to the website, reading messages and click-through rate. If the focus is typically on purchasing products, remarketing increases the conversion rate by encouraging purchases.

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Marketing plan, image creation, brand management, marketing planning, image creation, customer acquisition, sales audit, branding activities, creating a company brand, image creation

Do you need help with your business development?

Bartosz Zieliński

Bartosz Zieliński Managing director

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