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Category description

Category description – what to do to make it effective?


Category description is information text used to explain what a given product group is online store. The category description is therefore not only informative, but also sales-oriented, as its purpose is to encourage people to become familiar with a given product category and then purchase them.

Category description - interesting facts

A good category description should contain features that will make the Google algorithm fully convinced that it is dealing with the desired products. In fact, a category description can perform three important functions for an online store: provide information, increase sales and influence positioning.

The category description should neither be too long nor too short. Basically, after entering a given site webpage we should see it in its entirety without having to scroll down. This is a principle called above the fold, which is one of the elements that influences building positive experiences for users visiting the website. However, the description of the category, which is supposed to result in better positioning of the website, should be slightly more extensive. You have to be careful - you can't exaggerate with the number of keywords contained in it. Then the text sounds unnatural and is more difficult to read.

Category description – the most important information

The description of the category, depending on the type of items or services offered, may look completely different. In one case it may be at the top of the page, in another - next to photos of sample products. One thing is constant: each category description should be unique and unrepeatable. Category descriptions should include answers to all consumers' questions and doubts so that they can be sure that they have chosen the right place for their shopping.

A good category description should precisely indicate the offer it contains and the needs met by the products. This way you can identify the target group. A good category description clearly communicates what exactly the category covers and what benefits the items within it offer. It is worth presenting in detail the differences between the offered products and other similar products available on the market, emphasizing the unique features of the offer.

As with all content published on the Internet, appropriate text formatting is of great importance in category descriptions. The basis is the title, headings and bolding of the most important information. If we need to exchange several things of similar value, let's use listing. This procedure will make the text clear and more readable. Additionally, if you want to help the customer even more and make it easier for him to navigate the entire website, it is worth using links that will redirect him to another category or a specific product.

How to prepare for creating category descriptions yourself? The best way is to look at the descriptions of categories available in stores of other brands, but from the same industries. This will give us a comprehensive picture, but will also allow us to check whether a given description is sufficient or whether it may be missing something. 


The category description is an extremely important element of every online store because it provides buyers with valuable information about the content of individual sections within the available offer. The category description applies to the entire product group, so its nature will be more general than the descriptions of specific products in the store. However, the descriptions should be clear and understandable to consumers, allowing them to understand exactly what the category contains and whether they have come to the right place. Category descriptions influence the website's positioning, so they should be created with great accuracy and precision. Increasing visibility translates directly into website traffic and, as a result, sales. Therefore, it is worth taking care of properly prepared category descriptions from the very beginning, which will help you stand out from the competition.

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