Treść główna
Key data
- 31 200 000 message recipients
- 604 publications on the Internet and in the press
- 4 000 000 advertising equivalent of the publications obtained
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Customer story
Moniecka Spółdzielnia Dleczarska is one of the most modern dairy plants in Poland. It was established in 1972 as a result of the merger of the District Dairy Cooperative in Dolistów and the District Dairy Cooperative in Krypno. The cooperative specializes in the production of Dutch and Swiss maturing cheeses, extra butter and powdered products.
The cheese production process in the Monetsk factory is carried out with the use of the latest technologies. Control at every stage of production ensures that the products are of the highest quality. This is guaranteed by the Company Code of Good Manufacturing Practice / Good Hygienic Practice GMP / GHP and the HACCP System.
In 2020, the brand underwent a rebranding, which included: refreshing the logo and packaging, and the premiere of a new website. This is a step towards strengthening the current position on the dairy products market and modernizing MSM Mońki.

Strategy goals
PR agency Commplace - the effects of our activities:
increase in brand recognition compared to competing brands,
increased recognition of brand products,
increasing the perceived value of the MSM Mońki brand,
reaching potential recipients - both from the B2B and B2C market,
highlighting the brand's distinguishing features - a modern approach to tradition and the natural origin of products,
Designing and implementing the strategy of MSM Mońki's PR campaign.
There are 4 main types of messages:
a) image information,
b) product information,
c) contextual information,
d) regulations.
The image information was based on the latest news from the world of MSM Mońki - changes in the packaging of individual types of cheese or refreshing the logotype. The product information presented the Cooperative's offer (including Gouda cheese, Aldamer cheese), the production process and the nature of the products. The main distinguishing feature of the messages from the third group was placing the products or statements of the brand representative in a broader context (e.g. referring to healthy eating). This type of content promoted not only the Cooperatives, but also built the image of the experts it employs. The last type of material sent consisted of two elements: an original recipe and a photo session. Both activities were supported by experts from the Korona Karkonoszy Manor - cooks and photographers. The recipes that were sent referred to specific seasons or occasions.
By using the above-mentioned types of messages, we ensured the brand's regular presence in the media - both printed and online. Among the media groups that were particularly important from the point of view of the MSM Mońki brand were culinary, national, regional, lifestyle and women's media.

- 31 200 000 We have reached exactly this number of people with the media message
- 4 000 000 advertising equivalent of the publication
- 604 total number of publications
- 15 number of press releases produced that were distributed to the media
- 251 number of press publications
- 353 number of publications on the Internet
PR campaign - another success of Commplace
Thanks to the strategy prepared by us, publications and mentions appeared in such titles as: Gazeta Krakowska, Gazeta Wrocławska, Głos Pomorza, Gazeta Lubuska,,,,,, Hurt and Detal , Handel Extra, Poradnik Handlowca.
Products used
Place of communication
Dialogue with the client is the essence of modern communication. Are you listening carefully enough? Does your communication strategy speak well about your product? What methods do you use to measure its effectiveness? Find out morePublic relations
Podniesiemy wartość postrzeganą Twojej firm. Find out moreGood to know:
What is a PR campaign?
Kampania PR to nieodzowny element skutecznej promocji firmy. To kompleksowa strategia, dzięki której można pozyskać dobre opinie o marce oraz zwiększyć świadomość jej istnienia na rynku. Współczesna kampania PR to proces kompleksowy, który wymaga przemyśleń i działań na wielu płaszczyznach, mediów społecznościowych, relacji z mediami i brandingowej kreacji. Dlatego fakt, że coraz większa liczba przedsiębiorców decyduje się na kampanię PR, nie dziwi nikogo. To nowoczesna forma promocji, która pozwala na zdobycie zaufania klientów i silnej pozycji na rynku.
What are the examples of the most successful PR campaigns in recent years that have achieved significant success in promoting a brand or product?
In recent years, you can certainly distinguish many successful PR campaigns that have achieved success in promoting a brand or product. One example of such a campaign is the social action #LikeAGirl, organized by Always, which aimed to raise awareness of the importance of gender equality in society. The campaign has recorded millions of views on a video in which girls of all ages show what it means to do different "like a girl" activities. The campaign met with a large positive reaction from Internet users and won many awards, which contributed to increasing the sympathy for the brand and strengthening its position on the market.
What goals and what strategies can be used to ensure that the activities are achieved effectively?
Jeżeli chcesz osiągnąć sukces kampanii PR, musisz wyznaczyć jej cele i dostosować odpowiednie strategie. W końcu skuteczność Twoich działań zależy od tego, w jaki sposób będziesz je realizował. Możesz na przykład wykorzystać strategię działania w sieci - dzięki temu zyskasz szersze zasięgi wśród swojej grupy docelowej. Inną opcją jest zainwestowanie w influencer marketing. Działania z influencerami są coraz bardziej popularne i skuteczne - wpływają na pozytywny wizerunek marki i budują zaangażowanie wśród jej odbiorców. Niezależnie od wybranej strategii, musisz być konsekwentny i kreatywny, by przyciągnąć uwagę swojego audytorium i osiągnąć swój cel. Nie wiesz jak się za to zabrać? Powierz prowadzenie kampanii PR ekspertom!
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