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RTB marketing

RTB marketing – act effectively and accurately

RTB marketing – definition

RTB marketing (Real Time Bidding marketing) is an advanced model of automated purchase of advertising space on the Internet based on auctions. The essence of RTB marketing is to effectively reach a specific target group and precisely select the form of advertising in a specific place and time.

In RTB marketing, each display of a given advertisement on the Internet is auctioned in real time. A key aspect of this process is the use of modern advertising purchasing technologies using algorithms that process large amounts of data about network users. RTB marketing uses an extensive ecosystem that enables advertisers and publishers to cooperate effectively and efficiently.

RTB marketing helps to properly manage available resources. It allows for targeting and optimization of marketing campaigns and, unlike traditional media purchasing methods, allows for full control over matching the advertising message to the current needs of the target group and the company's capabilities.

RTB marketing – interesting facts

The RTB marketing process begins when the user enters a given website. Algorithms begin to carefully examine it and collect data regarding, for example, the location and history of content viewed. On this basis, entities interested in bidding decide whether they want to "fight" for the user's attention and take part in an auction aimed at a specific advertising space on a specific website. Of course, the more valuable the user profile, the higher the bids offered by bidders. The winner is the one who offers the highest amount, and his advertisement is immediately displayed on the screen of a specific user. Interestingly, the entire process takes a fraction of a second.

An effective RTB marketing campaign should include a precisely defined target group that will fully meet the campaign's goals. Advertising creations should be perfectly adapted to the preferences of Internet users and effectively attract their attention. RTB marketing requires continuous monitoring of campaign effects and making quick changes if the campaign's effectiveness turns out to be insufficient.

RTB marketing – information worth knowing

We distinguish the following types of RTB marketing:

  • Open RTB – based on an open protocol allowing the integration of various advertising platforms,
  • Private Marketplace – closed advertising market, available only to selected advertisers,
  • Programmatic Direct – the ability to purchase advertising space directly from the publisher,
  • Automated Guaranteed – automatic ability to purchase advertising space directly from the publisher.

RTB marketing ensures effective reaching of recipients meeting specific targeting criteria. It allows you to respond dynamically and flexibly to emerging trends and constantly changing customer preferences. When planning RTB marketing activities, you should always be aware that users have the option of blocking the display of this type of ads, and the placement of our ads is determined by the algorithm, not us.

As part of RTB marketing, we can use, among others: tools such as:

  • dynamic ads tailored to specific user preferences,
  • remarketing targeted at customers who have previously visited our website,
  • retargeting, i.e. re-reaching users who previously interacted with our advertising but did not complete the purchase process,
  • look like targeting – targeting ads at users similar to our current customers,
  • geolocation, i.e. displaying ads to users located in a specific location, e.g. country, city or street.

RTB marketing – summary

RTB marketing is an advanced advertising strategy based on dynamic bidding and full automation of the process of purchasing advertising space on the Internet in real time. It allows advertisers to reach a specific user profile and use their advertising budget more effectively.

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Bartosz Zieliński

Bartosz Zieliński Managing director

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