
Public relations Communication strategy Branding Google Ads Positioning of websites Website development

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Company events Food marketing Marketing communication Graphic design Sales support Online marketing

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Social Media Internal communication Crisis management Employer Branding Reference Marketing Customer Lifetime Value B2B Marketing

PR agency Warsaw

PR agency Warsaw? With us, your business will enter a higher league. Customers will love your brand. And you will observe spectacular results from a comfortable position. 25 years of experience meant that we would not call it a challenge. And a formality.

We serve brands worth millions. We ran a presidential PR campaign. We know what it means to act on a large scale. And we know how much energy you put into creating your brand. Now let us act. Work with professionals.

Selected services:


Build a strong brand

Communication strategy

Reach the right audience

Google Ads

Get high ranking on Google

Public relations

Lead effective PR activities
Czy wiesz, że firma może tracić lub uzyskiwać dochody także w oparciu o swój wizerunek?
Public relations plays an important role in supporting change and development.

Public relations does something advertising cannot.

Builds the credibility of the image. And it does it just as effectively in the case of cities, companies, institutions and people.

Public relations

PR. A shortcut that revolutionized the business world. It applies to the company, brand, products, services or employees. Public relations becomes the foundation for the successful functioning of an organization. Create your image with Commplace. Reach out with us for more. Reach for success with us.

Internal PR

Internal PR increases the effectiveness of communication in the organization. It improves the flow of information. Eliminates organizational chaos. It reduces the risk of a crisis within the company. At Commplace, we know how to manage it in order to efficiently achieve the internal goals of the organization. Find out what communication plan we will create for your organization.

External PR

External PR allows you to create the image of your organization. An image that you can control and create. An image that works to the benefit of your brand. Find out how we can help you stay in control. Ask us for an offer.

Creating a brand strategy brings out its distinctive features. Czyni ją wyjątkową. Sprawia, że może zaoferować swojej grupie docelowej istotną i pociągającą obietnicę. Kto zrobi to najlepiej? PR agency.Warszawa to jedno z miast, w których firmy mają tego świadomość. Dlatego stawiają na public relations.

PR for companies with Of Warsaw

While your business can survive without PR, it's unlikely you'll get the attention it deserves.

Effective PR strategy will help you gain leads and new clients.

Your company will be introduced to a whole new audience who would never otherwise discover you.

We will become for your company not only a PR service provider. We will be your strategic partner on the way to success

Check the consulting offer PR agency

B2B Marketing

How to effectively reach business customers? Is it worth building a strong brand in B2B? How should effective B2B marketing work in practice?

Customer lifetime value (CLV)

Are you following your customers carefully enough? Do you know what value they have for your business? Change the way you think about customer acquisition.

Reference Marketing

70 percent of consumers make decisions influenced by references or recommendations. Do your clients recommend your services?

HR + PR = Employer Branding

Your company's reputation today has measurable importance on the market. Are you ready to become a better employer? Employer branding strategy is an obligation.

Internal communication

Good communication in the organization means measurable financial benefits. Its lack is a waste of opportunities and potential - can your company afford it?

Crisis management

The crisis is inevitable. When will you appear, will you fight the crisis or for the company's survival?

Event Agency

We have our own training and catering center. Are you interested in organizing tailor-made events? We invite you to company events in the Karkonosze Mountains. Over 1,000 completed events.

Place of Internet

Two out of three Internet users search the web for goods and services. Who will they find faster: you or the competition? Bet on effective online marketing and profit on the Internet.

Place of food marketing

Did you know that the most common topic of conversation is food? We know how to make people talk about your product. Recipe, arrangement, styling, culinary photography are food marketing in the Commplace edition.

COMMPLACE a modern PR agency

25 years of experience.
Support for 300 brands.
Over 1000 events
Proprietary solutions in marketing.

Meet Commplace

Our statistics

An offer tailored to your needs.
Efficiency is key.
Check us out.

Consulting offer

A non-standard range of communication and sales support services. Our consulting offer is always individualized.

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Product offer

We only present solutions that our clients need and are able to implement. We deliver specific, measurable results.

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PR agency Warsaw

Write us what your business goals are. Commplace experts will indicate possible solutions that will maximize the expected results.

We operate much wider

Comprehensiveness is the key word. We look at your organization holistically. Yes, to choose complementary solutions that will allow you to achieve success. Check what proposals we will prepare for you.

Public Relations Agency Warsaw

We use our extensive business knowledge in our daily activities. We use the latest and most effective digital tools. All this to identify strategic development opportunities for the client's company from every angle. No matter where its location is.

The seat of the company is just an address. PR agency Warsaw or Wrocław - location does not matter. Bet on cooperation with experienced experts. Don't limit your options. Check out effective Commplace solutions. We will specify what activities your company needs. We will estimate their duration. We will define the effects.

PR agency Warsaw

PR agency Warsaw

Greetings from Aleje Jerozolimskie

The palm, which appeared in Warsaw in 2002 and still stands there, was originally supposed to disappear after a year. Today, it functions in the minds of the inhabitants as one of the symbols of the city.

PR agency Warsaw

Fall in Love with Warsaw

A promotional video in which the Italian theater director reveals that he has been in love with Warsaw for 50 years, was watched by 30,000 people in one day, 620 liked and 280 shared it on their profiles.

PR agency Warsaw

City of tommorow

The British pr ING agency placed Warsaw on its list of 5 European cities with the greatest potential for developing its brand on the Internet. The Polish capital has been compared to Rome and Copenhagen - as a city with a rich cultural offer and attractive living conditions.

How we work

meet us


Case studies

Work in a PR agency?

Check what we can help you with!

Will the PR Warsaw agency help you create your image and strengthen your position on the market? We have been implementing strategies for our clients for over 25 years. We work with 50 specialists, and we have already helped 350 companies. We have proprietary and unique e-marketing solutions, and we implement Brand Defense and Brand Offensive Strategies. We are the only PR agency with its own Gastronomy Center. We operate comprehensively.

Get to know us better!

See in which areas we provide support!

Does the PR agency in Warsaw provide services in the field of comprehensive PR, marketing and digital activities? Our key competences include taking actions with the media as part of media relations, as well as brand positioning in selected areas. In addition, we care about the company's visibility on the Internet. We also run effective online and offline campaigns. We also care about brand employer branding.

See the offer!

Our projects prove us!

The best example of effectiveness and efficiency of PR agency activities in Warsaw are campaigns and satisfied customers. During 25 years of operation on the Polish market, we have helped with the positioning of 350 companies. Our key competences include: rebranding and website reconstruction. Our completed projects include public relations campaigns for companies from the FMCG or technology areas.

Check the projects!

You will spread your wings with us!

PR agency Warsaw? Commplace is a place where we are always open to new talents! We value passion and commitment. We enable development. Interesting projects and challenges. Are you ready to join?

We 're developing!

PR Academy

The PR Commplace Agency is a unique place with its own training center in the Korona Karkonoszy Manor. The PR Academy we have created is a space for the development of your brand. Take advantage of our trainings and workshops. Acquire new knowledge and practical skills. Stay ahead of the competition. Achieve success.

We are a consulting company with its own conference and event center

We have already organized 1100 events. We specialize in organizing tailor-made events. The most popular are team building events, culinary tournaments and the Goldberg Machine. We also offer accommodation in unique apartments, lounges and rooms. Companies have at their disposal nearly 300 dishes and our brand of craft beer and coffee.

We have rooms with full equipment, allowing you to freely conduct training for smaller or larger groups.
We specialize in activities in the area of team building and scenario events. We invite.

B2B sales support workshops

We are aware that the most important aspect in any business is customer acquisition. Are you interested in B2B sales support? Take advantage of the PR Academy workshops conducted by our public relations experts.

Customer personalization. Generating online leads. Sales audit. These are just some of the topics that we discuss during the B2B sales support workshops. We are also going a step further. We present methods of finalizing the transaction. Ask us about the next available workshop date at the PR Academy.
Who are the workshops for?
- entrepreneurs,
- managers,
- managers / directors of sales departments,
- traders,
- employees supporting the sales department.

Managing a company in crisis

Get ready for crisis management. Don't wait for a crisis to occur. Plan your activities with the PR COMMPLACE agency to stay in control of the situation. Sign up for a proprietary training program under the PR Academy conducted by our agency.

Contrary to appearances, the crisis does not break out only on Fridays after 4pm. It can happen any day. At any time. That is why it is so important to create an action plan. How? Our experts will answer this question during the crisis management training. Take advantage of the extensive experience of Commplace PR specialists. And in the event of an emergency - ask for immediate help.
Who is the program for?
- entrepreneurs,
- managers,
- managers / directors,
- PR department employees.

PR agency Warsaw?
Choose us to achieve better sales results!

P+R Warszawa - these two letters together have extraordinary power. Entities operating in the capital and beyond are aware of this. You just need to know how to use public relations tools. Are you from Warsaw and looking for a Public Relations agency? Trust us and use our services! Our PR agency helps to build and promote brands on the Internet and among potential clients and business partners.

Why your PR company?

PR and marketing are crucial to the company's image. PR activities they help not only to sell products and services, but also to build a positive image on many levels. Our agency deals with establishing relations with the media, organizing events, building action and sales strategies and many other activities.

PR Warsaw does not have to be implemented by a local company. You don't know if the Warsaw public relations agency has experience in your industry? By choosing to cooperate with Commplace, you don't have to worry about it! Many market leaders and key players in their categories have already trusted us.

The Warsaw PR agency should support you in creating and developing your business at every stage. Do you want to promote your company in the media? As an experienced public relations agency, we know how to help you! The first step is to define your audience. Think about who your customers are, what interests them and what their needs are.

Will the Warsaw PR agency help you analyze consumer behavior, which will allow you to create a better communication strategy? Do you need support in crisis situations? Our public relations agency will help you reach consumers and the business environment through the media.

PR Agency Warsaw - we help with sales, check our effectiveness

As a public relations agency, we deal with building the brand image on many levels. We care about building relationships with investors, the local community and clients. We know that presence in the media is crucial for building brand credibility in the eyes of recipients and potential investors. That is why we make sure that our clients are regularly mentioned in specialist, business and lifestyle media. Depending on the industry in which the company operates, we also make sure that our clients reach the local media as well as economic congresses and smaller industry conferences with their messages. As a PR agency, we take only measurable actions, which allows us to effectively achieve our clients' goals.

PR agency Warsaw? Increase sales thanks to professional communication

Are you aware of the power your brand message can have? Every public relations agency in Warsaw should be aware of this. Professional communication plays a key role in increasing sales for several reasons:

Attractive activities of a PR agency for your business

Public Relations Agency Warsaw In your opinion, it will provide your company with the best quality of service? At Commplace, we know that good PR is not only the art of persuasion, but above all a strategic communication process. That is why we offer a wide range of activities that will effectively affect the image of your brand and increase the number of recipients.

We are image creators, thanks to which together we will determine the course of action and we will achieve the assumed goals. We are in dialogue with journalists. We can inspire them with press releases. In addition, we organize events and press meetings, such as conferences and breakfasts. We also care about the development of our clients' business network through networking and participation in industry events.

PR agencies Warsaw ranking - with whom you will achieve the best results?

Wondering how to find the best agency to handle your business? PR agencies Warsaw ranking may be a hint. However, not always those that are in the top positions will be the best option for you. Choose a professional partner who will meet your expectations. Which will always be close to you and your needs. Who cares about building lasting business relationships. For whom achieving success by your company is a priority task.

Need an effective promotion? Answer the questions:

PR agencies in Warsaw, therefore, treat the ranking as a hint, and make your decision bearing in mind the good of your business. Choose a public relations agency that focuses on your sales performance. Thanks to our strategies and experience, you will increase your company's turnover and build lasting relationships with customers.

Creative agency Warsaw or 360 degree agency?

Do you expect that a creative agency in Warsaw should be a source of unusual ideas and original solutions that will revive your brand and attract the attention of customers? Let us turn your visions into reality by creating unique and captivating designs that will set your brand apart from the competition.

Will the creative agency Warsaw make your dreams come true, providing fresh and innovative concepts that will be remembered by your clients? Agency Warszawa should be able to transform challenges into inspiring opportunities, helping your brand achieve extraordinary results. We can do it ? Thanks to Commplace, your company can draw on the wealth of creativity and innovation, which will allow you to stand out on the market and win the hearts of customers.

Public relations activities in the field of social media - build a positive image of your company online!

The title of the best PR agency can be called the one that in 100% is able to respond to the client's needs a image creation company is a priority. For this purpose, e.g. social media marketing. Cooperation with a creative communication agency guarantees good communication of companies and full success of clients.

Strategie komunikacji marek, lepszy wewnętrzny wizerunek firmy, działania public relations zwiększają zasięgi w mediach społecznościowych firm, pozwalają na usprawnienie komunikacji wewnętrznej – wszystko to wpływa na sukces klientów. Profesjonalne podejście agencji zapewni dotarcie do kluczowych grup klientów. Dlatego wybranie dobrej agencji jest kluczowe.

Our actions are effective and will have a positive impact on your brand! Don't waste time on image building on your own - with us you will achieve better results in less time. Use our services and see how we can help you develop your business!

See our locations:
PR agency;
PR agency Wrocław;
PR agency Krakow;
PR agency Katowice;
PR agency Poznań;
PR agency Lublin;
PR agency in Łódź ;
PR agency in Szczecin;
PR agency in Opole;
PR Agency Bielsko Biała;
PR agency in Białystok;
PR agency in Gdynia;
PR agency Sosnowiec;
PR agency in Jelenia Góra;
PR agency Elbląg;

Good to know:

What does the PR Warsaw agency mean?

PR agency Warsaw is a consulting, communication and marketing company. Its main goal is to build the image of its clients and increase their visibility in the media. Thanks to many years of experience and specialist knowledge, the PR Warsaw agency is able to propose effective strategies for a wide range of clients - from small companies to large corporations. It is worth noting that a PR agency is not only services related to promotion, but also business development and building relationships with clients. If you are looking for support in the field of PR, the PR Warsaw agency is the perfect choice.

What are the most important features of a good PR Warsaw agency?

Nowadays, in a world full of information noise, a good PR agency in Warsaw must have several important features to effectively reach its target audience. Above all, to be successful, an agency must be creative and innovative to attract attention from the competition. Secondly, he must be able to understand the needs of his client and skillfully respond to them through the right campaigns and strategies. Finally, the agency must be able to maintain a desirable media relationship to ensure maximum reach for its clients' campaigns. Having these three key features, a good PR agency in Warsaw is able to achieve success and contribute to the growth of its clients.

How to find a good PR agency in Warsaw?

If you are looking for a good PR agency in Warsaw, you do not have time to "try" each of them. You want to find the best one that will understand your goals and create a unique strategy to achieve them. How to do it? Start by browsing the agencies' websites and check out their references and portfolios. See what projects they have implemented for other clients and whether they stand out. Then contact several agencies by email or phone. Ask questions about their experience, approach to work and strategy. Also check if this is the agency you want to work with on a permanent basis. In conclusion, to find a good PR agency in Warsaw, you need to do thorough research and choose the one that fits your needs and work style.

How to check if the Warsaw PR agency is a good choice?

Are you looking for a PR agency in Warsaw, but you don't know how to choose the best one? A good choice is one that will allow you to achieve the goal, i.e. increase brand awareness, media and customer interest. To make sure that a PR agency in Warsaw is a good choice, it is worth using a few simple tips. First of all, check the opinions of other clients and see what projects they have implemented. Then pay attention to the experience and knowledge of the industry in which your company operates. The method of communication and flexibility in the approach to the client are also important. Finding a PR agency in Warsaw that meets your expectations can be difficult. Therefore, it is worth taking the time to carefully review the offers to make the best decision for your company.

What are the examples of activities of PR agencies in Warsaw?

If you are looking for a PR agency in Warsaw that can help you achieve your marketing goals, you've come to the right place! There are many activities a PR agency can offer to ensure your business succeeds. It can, for example, develop activities in social media, manage advertising campaigns, organize PR events and conduct effective communication with the media. Each of these actions is a step forward in achieving your company's goals. That is why it is worth using the help of a PR agency in Warsaw to make your company more visible online and offline, and to achieve your marketing goals.

Do you need help with your business development?

Bartosz Zieliński

Bartosz Zieliński Managing director

+48 665 379 071
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