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Event agency

Over 1000 events

· Own facility near Karpacz
· Event configurator
300 dishes to choose from
· Specialization: team building
Own brand of craft beer
Own brand of premium coffee
· Events in Poland and abroad

We are an event company that deals with the organization of innovative events for employees, companies and individuals throughout Poland.

We have own training and event center. We specialize in organizing events tailored to the company's profile. As a proven and experienced event agency Wrocław, we offer comprehensive support - from the idea to its implementation. We have our own team of chefs, and the menu of our facility offers a wide selection of dishes, created in line with the idea of slow food.

Selected services:


organize an unforgettable event with us!


don't put it off for "better times"!


have fun the way you like!

Needs analysis

we will meet your expectations!
"Every job is good as long as it is done well" - Albert Einstein

Event agency Wrocław - we will organize an event thanks to which your employees will love what they do again.

We organize events at the highest level. We create innovative and modern events. We get to know the company's needs and… we act.
The full organization of the event is on our side!

Organisation of events

As an event agency in Wrocław, we deal with the comprehensive organization of events tailored to the needs of a modern client. We have over 1000 events for companies from all over Poland behind us. Our specialty is the organization of the event from diagnosing the client's needs, through presenting appropriate solutions, to their implementation. Our events will be remembered for years!

Own facilities

Our event company has its own facilities. The Korona Karkonoszy Manor is an extraordinary facility, located right next to Karpacz, with comprehensive and modern equipment. Each room is decorated in an eclectic style. We offer a wide selection of dishes, the possibility of accommodation for up to 100 people, as well as our own brand of craft beer, coffee and preserves. Do you already know why it is worth working with us?

Tailored events

Bearing in mind the dynamically changing reality - our events are organized in accordance with the brief. We are here to make customers' dreams come true. Are you dreaming of an off-road trip to the mountains? Or maybe you want to see Karpacz from a bird's eye view? Are you thinking about an event with famous characters in the background? Nothing is impossible for us! Check what we can offer you.

Tailored events

Event agency Wrocław - expert in corporate events

Event agency Wrocław. Our activities include full diagnostics of our clients' needs. We set directions for action and together we strive to achieve the right goal.

Our task is to integrate employees using appropriately selected tools. We are also experts in organizing tailor-made corporate events. We will increase the commitment of your employees.

Event company - choose a professional solution

The event company Wrocław will enable you to organize an integration event at the highest level. You set the goal and directions of action. Our task is to achieve the right result.

We have our own accommodation and catering facilities, thanks to which we provide full service for the event. We work with companies and institutions from all over Poland. Thanks to this, we organize unforgettable attractions.

Organization of events Wrocław - we are what you are looking for

Are you dreaming of organizing an event, but you don't have time? Did you know that partying will take a lot of energy? That's what we are for! The event company will identify the needs, select the appropriate tools and make the event unique.

We cooperate with experienced producers as well as enthusiasts - who love their work. Creative scenarios are our domain. With us you will generate memories for many years!

Creating events with character helps in team buliding.
This is a great way to integrate employees as well as tie them to your company.

What does it offer Event agency Wrocław?
We plan, you enjoy a successful event.

Event agencies Wroclaw

Perfectly organized event it can strengthen the position of your brand on the market and build a positive opinion around your company among potential employees.

An event company will help you set the goals of the event and organize it in such a way that it will become an unforgettable event. Trust us.
You only have one task to do - have fun!

Event agency Wrocław - check us out! 

Culinary events, academies and cooking schools

Through the stomach to...better relationships in the team! Nothing brings people together like time spent at a common table.

Over 113 types of scenario events - balls, banquets, tournaments

All hands on deck - we know how to make even the biggest office malcontents join in the fun!

Tailor-made events - a dedicated supervisor, Coordinator,

Bet on cooperation with a supplier of comprehensive solutions in the field of organizing events. And have fun.

Event agencies Wroclaw

Over 1000 events, cooperation with the largest companies and proprietary solutions in the field of event organization - use our services.
Meet our event agency!

Meet Commplace

Our statistics

An offer tailored to your needs.
Efficiency is key.
Check us out.

Consulting offer

A non-standard range of communication and sales support services. Our consulting offer is always individualized.

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Product offer

We only present solutions that our clients need and are able to implement. We deliver specific, measurable results.

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We have a dedicated offer for you.

Event agency Wrocław

We organize tailor-made events.
Our strength is: passion, love for entertainment and listening to customers' needs!

We offer preliminary consultations before the organization of the event. Our specialists are also enthusiasts who know how to meet customer expectations.

Event agency Wroclaw

Tell us what your business goals are and what you expect from the event. We will select the appropriate tools that will make the event unique.

Remember that you are only limited by your imagination. We will create your dream party with a scenario tailored to your needs. Comprehensive activities - this is what characterizes us!

Event agency Wroclaw

The organization of events is in our blood!

We have the organization of events in our DNA. We have full accommodation, catering and know-how facilities. We know what is hot and why it is worth integrating employees. We know the rules prevailing in corporations and smaller companies - and thanks to this, we are able to prepare events that are maximally tailored to the needs of our clients.

Karpacz and its surroundings within easy reach

Event agency Wrocław. We organize events for clients all over Poland. We have our own Event Center near Karpacz, which captivates not only with its appearance. Its functionality allows us to organize events even for the most demanding customers.

Get to know the Karkonosze and discover their secrets

The mysterious Karkonosze Mountains attract thousands of tourists from all over Poland. As an event agency in Wrocław, we help to discover the corners of the Karkonosze during integration events. The main attractions include flying over the mountains, hiking and biking tours, as well as survival training under the supervision of specialists.

How we work

meet us


Our kitchen

Own Event Center

Check what we can help you with!

The Wrocław event agency will help you in the comprehensive organization of the trip for your employees. Our domain is a reliable and individual approach to the client. Before making a decision on cooperation, we provide consulting assistance. We know what to do to make an event unforgettable.

Get to know us better!

See in which areas we provide support!

A team that works well together is more effective, more productive and more successful - not to mention a happier and more enjoyable collaboration! However, team building at work can be difficult, especially when the typical team building activities tend to cause more eye-rollers among team members than high-five.

The Wrocław event agency will make the enthusiasm of employees, when thinking about integration, reach its zenith!

See the offer!

Enjoy slow food!

Come with us to a magical world in which animals are not fed with antibiotics. The eggs come from happy cock. Vegetables grow at their own pace. The fruit is gnawed by worms.
Our kitchen is a place where we create dishes not to feed our guests, but to serve them culinary delight. What is our secret? Food is our passion. We use local products and prepare meals using seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Get to know us from the kitchen

Dwór Korona Karkonoszy

Which event agency Wrocław can boast of its own event center? Located in the heart of the majestic mountains, Dwór Korona Karkonoszy has witnessed many unforgettable events. Stylish rooms in a boutique style. Rose garden with a fountain. Fresh dishes prepared in a traditional way, without artificial additives and improvers. Life tastes different here!

Find out more!

PR Academy

The PR Commplace Agency is a unique place with its own training center in the Korona Karkonoszy Manor. The PR Academy we have created is a space for the development of your brand. Take advantage of our trainings and workshops. Acquire new knowledge and practical skills. Stay ahead of the competition. Achieve success.

We are a consulting company with its own conference and event center

We have already organized 1100 events. We specialize in organizing tailor-made events. The most popular are team building events, culinary tournaments and the Goldberg Machine. We also offer accommodation in unique apartments, lounges and rooms. Companies have at their disposal an extensive menu of dishes and our brand of craft beer and coffee.

We have rooms with full equipment, allowing you to freely conduct training for smaller or larger groups.
We specialize in activities in the area of team building and scenario events. We invite.

B2B sales support workshops

We are aware that the most important aspect in any business is customer acquisition. Are you interested in B2B sales support? Take advantage of the PR Academy workshops conducted by our public relations experts.

Customer personalization. Generating online leads. Sales audit. These are just some of the topics that we discuss during the B2B sales support workshops. We are also going a step further. We present methods of finalizing the transaction. Ask us about the next available workshop date at the PR Academy.
Who are the workshops for?
- entrepreneurs,
- managers,
- managers / directors of sales departments,
- traders,
- employees supporting the sales department.

Managing a company in crisis

Get ready for crisis management. Don't wait for a crisis to occur. Plan your activities with the PR COMMPLACE agency to stay in control of the situation. Sign up for a proprietary training program under the PR Academy conducted by our agency.

Contrary to appearances, the crisis does not break out only on Fridays after 4pm. It can happen any day. At any time. That is why it is so important to create an action plan. How? Our experts will answer this question during the crisis management training. Take advantage of the extensive experience of Commplace PR specialists. And in the event of an emergency - ask for immediate help.
Who is the program for?
- entrepreneurs,
- managers,
- managers / directors,
- PR department employees.

Event company Wrocław - how can you be sure that it's the right one?

Rosnące wymagania współczesnych pracowników powodują, że firmy starają się prześcigać w organizacji kreatywnych imprez. Poszukują alternatyw dla tradycyjnych spotkań w salach konferencyjnych czy restauracjach. Z pomocą przychodzi współpraca z profesjonalną agencją eventową. Firma eventowa z Wrocławia specjalizuje się w organizacji oryginalnych wydarzeń zarówno na terenie miasta, jak i w całej Polsce. Profesjonalna agencja powinna dysponować stroną internetową, gdzie znajdziesz pełen zakres usług i niezbędne informacje. Agencja eventowa we Wrocławiu oferuje organizację imprez na najwyższym poziomie. Jak może Ci pomóc nasza agencja?

  1. W zaplanowaniu imprezy firmowej lub integracyjnej.
  2. W stworzeniu scenariusza wydarzenia oraz przygotowaniu menu.
  3. W przygotowaniu szczegółowego kosztorysu dostosowanego do Twoich potrzeb.
  4. W osiągnięciu zamierzonych celów za pomocą odpowiednio dobranych narzędzi.

Firma eventowa we Wrocławiu ma bogate doświadczenie. Na przestrzeni lat zorganizowaliśmy ponad 1000 imprez, dysponując własnym Centrum Eventowym koło Karpacza. Nasza oferta kulinarna obejmuje szeroki wybór potraw, a specjalizujemy się w organizacji wydarzeń team buildingowych – tworzymy scenariusze dostosowane do indywidualnych potrzeb klienta.

Organizacja eventów na miarę XXI wieku

Agencja eventowa we Wrocławiu pomoże Ci zorganizować profesjonalne eventy firmowe. Nasza specjalność to organizacja imprez firmowych i integracyjnych na najwyższym poziomie. Zaufały nam firmy z całej Polski. Naszą dewizą jest: „da się!” Oferujemy warsztaty kulinarne z udziałem znanych szefów kuchni, wycieczki survivalowe oraz przejażdżki po górskich terenach. Marzysz o locie widokowym? Z nami to możliwe! Dbamy także o gastronomiczne doznania naszych gości, oferując kuchnię SLOW FOOD – indywidualnie dostosowane menu oraz potrawy z naturalnych składników. Nasze doświadczenie potwierdza ponad 4500 pisemnych referencji i 5500 publikacji w mediach.

Eventy integracyjne na wysokim poziomie

Jako agencja eventowa organizujemy imprezy zarówno dla dużych korporacji, jak i mniejszych firm, dostosowując scenariusze do oczekiwań klientów. Firma zapewnia gotowe schematy działań i odpowiednie narzędzia do realizacji wydarzenia. Przykłady scenariuszy obejmują turnieje kulinarne, spływy pontonowe, biesiady piwne oraz firmowe bale karnawałowe z motywami tematycznymi. Nasza agencja oferuje ponad 50 scenariuszy imprez dostosowanych do specyficznych potrzeb różnych grup.

Jak ocenić profesjonalizm agencji?

O profesjonalizmie naszej agencji świadczy liczba zadowolonych klientów. Zorganizowaliśmy ponad 1000 imprez, każda z nich była wyjątkowa. Dysponujemy własnymi przestrzeniami eventowymi, eleganckim obiektem koło Karpacza z salą balową oraz nowoczesnymi salami szkoleniowymi. Naszym atutem jest także możliwość przenocowania 100 osób w stylowych, eklektycznych wnętrzach. W pracy kładziemy nacisk na rozpoznanie potrzeb klienta i wspólny brainstorming, co pozwala na tworzenie innowacyjnych scenariuszy. Nasz zespół składa się z doświadczonych realizatorów oraz ludzi z pasją, którzy nadzorują wydarzenie, aby każdy klient czuł pełne zaangażowanie z naszej strony.

Eventy szyte na miarę

Agencja eventowa z Wrocławia pomaga organizować wydarzenia dostosowane do XXI wieku, nie tylko podążając za trendami, ale je kreując. Proponujemy szeroki wachlarz atrakcji, od warsztatów kulinarnych, przez loty widokowe, po warsztaty eco z makijażystką. Naszą pasją są kulinaria – oferujemy degustacje regionalnych dań oraz kuchnię slow food, która zyskuje coraz większą popularność. Co więcej, produkujemy własne piwo rzemieślnicze, cieszące się uznaniem klientów w całej Polsce.

Sprawdź naszą ofertę

Indywidualne podejście do każdej imprezy integracyjnej oraz danej grupy pracowników to podstawa naszego działania. Nasza agencja eventowa opiera się na wieloletnim doświadczeniu i podążaniu za aktualnymi trendami, dzięki czemu organizowane przez nas wydarzenia są niezapomniane.

Good to know:

What does Wrocław event agency mean?

Agencja eventowa Wrocław specjalizuje się w planowaniu i organizowaniu różnych wydarzeń dla klientów. Od konferencji i wprowadzenia produktu na rynek po imprezy integracyjne i przyjęcia, agencja eventowa zajmuje się całą logistyką, aby zapewnić uczestnikom niezapomniane wrażenia. Usługi mogą obejmować wybór miejsca, rozrywkę, transport, catering, promocję i inne. Wykorzystując doświadczenie i kontakty agencji eventowej, klienci mogą skorzystać z dobrze skoordynowanego wydarzenia, które osiągnie ich cele bez kłopotów związanych z samodzielną obsługą eventu. Niezależnie od tego, czy organizujesz kameralne spotkanie, czy konferencję na dużą skalę, agencja eventowa Wrocław może wcielić Twoją wizję w życie.

What are the most important features of a good event agency in Wrocław?

A good event agency in Wrocław should have several key features. These are:
-> Creativity and innovation. Top agencies are constantly coming up with unique event concepts and ideas to engage attendees. They stay ahead of trends and are able to create unforgettable experiences.
-> Experience and knowledge. Look for agencies with a proven track record of organizing events of all sizes. The Wrocław event agency should be able to anticipate all challenges and meet them.
-> Customer service. The best agency will pay attention to the needs and budgets of clients. Wrocław event agencies operate transparently, are flexible and able to understand the goals of clients in order to recommend solutions tailored to their needs.
-> Network of contacts. Well-informed Wroclaw event agencies have access to the best venues in the city, catering, animators and other suppliers. Their network allows them to source high-quality partners and resources at a lower cost.

How to find a good event agency in Wrocław?

When planning an event in the bustling city of Wrocław, finding a capable event agency is crucial. Look for agencies with experience organizing events similar to yours, whether it's a conference, product launch or festival. Check out their portfolio to see examples of past events and read customer testimonials. Meet with several agencies for consultations to evaluate their creative vision, logistical skills, and local connections. A good Wroclaw event agency will have strong relationships with venues, suppliers and government contacts to ensure a smooth planning process and successful event execution. With an experienced agency as your partner, you can focus on the goals and experience of your event, leaving the details to the professionals

How to check if the Wrocław event agency is a good choice?

If you are looking for a professional event agency in Wroclaw, there are several factors that can help determine if they will be a good choice. The ideal event agency Wrocław has an established position and several years of experience in organizing various events. Check out her website or ask for testimonials from previous clients to see the types of events she has organized, as well as client reviews and testimonials. The event agency should have dedicated event planners and good relationships with local venues and suppliers. It should offer a wide range of services - from conception and planning to execution and management on the day of the event.

What are examples of activities of an event agency in Wrocław?

The event agency in Wrocław offers a wide range of activities for its clients. For example, they can plan team building events such as escape rooms that foster collaboration and problem-solving skills. It can also organize conferences, seminars or workshops. Another popular event is the company's anniversary celebration, where the agency will handle everything from venue selection to entertainment and catering. Due to the rich history of Wroclaw, the agency can also organize cultural events, such as sightseeing tours or evenings with traditional Polish food, drink and music. With a vibrant cultural scene, Wrocław offers many opportunities for event agencies to create unique and memorable experiences for their clients.

Do you need help with your business development?

Bartosz Zieliński

Bartosz Zieliński Managing director

+48 665 379 071
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