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Relationship marketing - how to maintain a relationship with the client
L. Berry has created a very good definition of relationship marketing. It says relationship marketing is all about "establishing, maintaining and improving customer relationships." Moreover, according to a Gallup report, an engaged customer who trusts a given brand generates as much as 51% more revenue than a "new" customer with whom we are just starting to build a relationship. In other words, relationship marketing is nothing more than maintaining constant, loyalty-based contact with the customer. This definition also includes after-sales service, which is in fact a very important element of it.

Acquiring a customer is an additional cost - maintain relationships with existing customers and minimize costs
Relationship marketing is important not only because it allows you to provide the company with a source of income, but also significantly minimizes its operating costs. We must not forget that acquiring a new customer, building his trust and encouraging him to stay with our company are much greater costs than those associated with retaining a customer who has already trusted our brand.

Why is relationship marketing so important and what is its purpose?
Relationship marketing - just like any other form of it, requires planning appropriate activities aimed at achieving a specific goal. Preparing activities in a specific way and, above all, one that will ultimately bring profits to our company, is a real treat. We have to take into account many, very different factors. For this reason, a lot of people usually work on marketing campaigns - including those focused on relationship marketing. It is true that one person - and not having adequate experience and knowledge - is not able to plan such a campaign effectively. Customer loyalty - and this is the main tenet of relationship marketing - is its overriding goal. The key to success is the use of a very simple mechanism: Remember that a customer who buys a product once will be much more positive about buying another product of a given brand than a customer who is just considering buying his first product of a given brand.

Relationship marketing - the best case study
There are many ways to run a campaign aimed at customer loyalty. It is not difficult to indicate examples of brands that implement such a campaign not only well, but most importantly - effectively. Of course, IKEA is a pioneer when it comes to the good implementation of relationship marketing assumptions. A few years ago, there was a change in the font in the directory delivered to the network. It evoked a great deal of opposition from recipients who were used to what "used to be". IKEA reacted in the only right way, in 100% consistent with the assumptions of relationship marketing. She did not publish any apologies or explanations, but when the next catalog was released, she returned to what the customers liked. Of course, we cannot forget about the IKEA Family loyalty card. It gives access to large discounts and promotions that are dedicated only to the holders of such a card. A nice addition for IKEA Family card holders is free coffee, which we can get in every store of the brand.

We like what we already know, which is the essence of relationship marketing
Relationship marketing is based primarily on giving customers what they expect from us and at the same time confirming them in the belief that when deciding to trust a given brand, they chose wisely. Customers love to be right, and relationship marketing relies heavily on that. Activities such as those cited on the example of IKEA show one more, very important element of relationship marketing. Of course, I am talking about the fact that customers like what they already know. In the cult Polish film "Rejs", a sentence was uttered by Mamoń: "Sir, I am a strict mind. I like melodies that I have heard once before. ”. Clients do exactly the same: they like to have something they are used to being with them all the time. Any change in relationship marketing must therefore be done very carefully.

Good to know:
What is relationship marketing?
Relationship marketing is one of the key branches of marketing that focuses on building lasting and valuable relationships with customers. This approach is not only about selling products or services, but also about creating positive experiences and bonds between the customer and the company. Relationship marketing assumes that loyal customers generate more profits for companies than new customers, so maintaining long-term relationships with customers is an important element. Thanks to this, relationship marketing allows you to build trust and a positive brand image, which leads to more satisfied and loyal customers.
What are some examples of companies that successfully use relationship marketing to build customer loyalty and long-term relationships?
Nowadays, it is extremely important for companies to build long-term relationships with customers. Creating a loyal customer base is the key to success in the competitive business world. One of the tools that helps in building such relationships is relationship marketing. Many companies around the world are successfully using this strategy, including Amazon, Zappos and Coca-Cola. Amazon has earned a reputation as one of the most responsive companies in the world by fully understanding their preferences and behaviors. Zappos, on the other hand, gained recognition for its excellent customer service and making every purchase a positive experience. Coca-Cola, on the other hand, always focuses on the cooperation and involvement of consumers in its advertising campaigns. These companies are just a few examples of effective use of relationship marketing in building long-term and loyal relationships with customers.
How can relationship marketing be defined and what are the main tools used within this marketing strategy?
Relationship marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on building lasting relationships with customers. To achieve this goal, companies use a variety of tools and methods, such as loyalty programs, customer satisfaction surveys, product personalization or word-of-mouth marketing. The main goal of relationship marketing is to create customer satisfaction and brand engagement, which in turn leads to increased sales and loyalty to the company. One of the key elements of this strategy is long-term communication with customers, which allows for building lasting bonds between the brand and consumers.
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