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Case study

social media for the RES industry using the employer branding strategy

Client Neptun Energy


  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
Neptun Energy is the strongest door-to-door sales network in Poland. In the last quarter of 2022, they decided that in 2023 they would be not only the strongest, but also the largest sales network in the RES industry.


  1. Adjusting the style and format of communication to individual audiences across all social media channels.
  2. Building a tailored and engaged audience on each social media channel - Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
  3. Planning and building a professional image of the company in social media and regular publications on the life of the brand.

Our actions


Building a professional brand image in social media and building a tailored and engaged audience for each channel. Regular publications that reflect the value of the brand. Using Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn channels for employer branding, recruitment and promotional activities.
  • Followers 2 000
  • Reception 150 000
  • Profile visits 26 000

Products used


Development of an effective brand communication strategy based on trend analysis, with the selection of the best tools.
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Social Media

Effective management of social media, using them to achieve the company's sales and promotional goals.
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Preparation of effective communication in social media for a client from the RES industry who wanted to communicate with a group of employees, and not a group of recipients, i.e. end customers, was a challenge for us, which we successfully implemented. Thus, we combined the strategy of operating in social media on various channels (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn) and the employer branding strategy. A flexible approach, knowledge of trends and the industry allowed us to enter the top in just a quarter.
Client's business assistant

Bartosz Zieliński

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