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Internal audit - company identification
The identification of your company consists of dozens of elements. From graphic, through corporate, to the layer of ideas and assumptions. All this affects not only how customers perceive you. Employees also increasingly want to identify with the company they work for. For those aged up to 30 years old. respect for company values and an attractive mission are some of the most important aspects when looking for employment. How do we know that? Acting as public relations agency we constantly observe the market.

Why internal audit?
Every year you plan to achieve your business goals. Many factors stand in the way, and it is often impossible to identify them on your own. Through an internal audit of the effectiveness of the processes taking place inside the company, you learn which areas are holding you back on your way to success. Such an objective view from the outside helps a lot to rationally and coolly take steps that will improve the functioning of the company.

Identification of employees with the company
Internal audit will allow you to learn about internal relationships and tensions. This, in turn, will translate into lower recruitment expenses in the future. 90 percent employees say that if a company accepts their comments and learns from them, they are more likely to stay longer. Internal audit is one of the elements that allow you to better understand their opinion about the company. You will also learn at which stage of identification with the company your employees are.

Employer Branding secrets
Identifying your company, i.e. employer branding, is the easiest way to distinguish yourself from the competition. It is also of great importance in the recruitment process. According to Lexington Law research, 60 percent. Americans will choose to work in a company they love, even if they would earn twice as much in a company whose values they do not share. This is a universal truth about the human psyche, which also works well in Poland: employees want to feel that their daily effort makes sense. Internal audit that improves key areas from their point of view is also beneficial for you, because the team will be more involved in what it does.

Elements of internal audit
We provide full service related to internal audit:
• implementation of an audit that will not disturb the company's work,
• an audit plan convenient for you,
• providing professional tools,
• full documentation, with descriptions and diagrams,
• ready-made operational processes,
• identification of risk factors,
• support at every stage,
• compliance with the latest legal requirements,
• transparent presentation of the audit results.
A marketing strategy based on the results of internal audit will be more effective, and you will optimize costs - you will avoid spending on what is unnecessary.

Order a professional internal audit
A willingness to commission an internal audit is a sign of your organization's maturity. At some stage, you need to find out which elements of the company's operations can be improved and how to do it. With our help, you will find out what hinders the development of your company, and then you will streamline your processes by improving the process of identifying employees with the company.

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