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Treść główna



Demographic targeting

Definition Demographic targeting is the act of directing appropriate advertising to people selected for their specific characteristics. Data that may be taken into account include: age, gender, location, education, and professional profile. This action has a huge impact on conducting effective advertising campaigns and, consequently, improving [...]

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Marketing techniques

Definition Marketing techniques are specific strategies and methods that a company uses to promote its offerings. Their goal is to shape the brand's image as trustworthy, attract new customers, maintain relationships with customers and, consequently, increase profits. Nowadays, the market is saturated with various products and services, and the competition is increasing. For this reason, the use [...]

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A/B testing

Definition A/B tests are comparative tests whose task is to compare at least two different versions - e.g. content - and assess which of them is more effective and better reaches the recipients. Thanks to A/B comparison tests, we can compare websites that differ in just one detail or a few significant features. A/B tests interesting facts, or what is worth […]

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Trade marketing

Czego się dowiesz z artykułu? Czy kiedykolwiek zastanawialiście się, czym dokładnie jest trade marketing i dlaczego jest tak istotny w świecie biznesu? Postaramy się przybliżyć wam definicję trade marketingu, jego kluczowe aspekty oraz najważniejsze informacje, które każdy powinien znać. Trade marketing to termin, który może wydawać się skomplikowany, ale w rzeczywistości odgrywa fundamentalną rolę w […]

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Bartosz Zieliński

Bartosz Zieliński Managing director

+48 665 379 071
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