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Marketing in gastronomy?
Check out Commplace ideas and take advantage of our experience!

Marketing in gastronomy - step one: preparing the menu
Developing a content marketing strategy for food brands is like creating an attractive menu. What matters is "compliance with art", but also performance. You need to be able to cook your food properly, present it in an attractive way, and then make sure that it really tastes to your customers. However, you don't have to do it yourself. Ask us how our chefs can support your brand. Marketing in gastronomy is our specialty.

What are companies doing?
While many food brands create creative content, many do not have a "content generating hub". Some try to get away from reheating outdated content that is not so fresh. As a result, they fail to maximize the reach of this content by promoting it in social media and other marketing distribution channels. Still other food companies opt for one-off promotions rather than creating an ongoing, consistent content strategy. It is also worth remembering that although acquiring new customers is important, maintaining the existing ones is crucial.

Let's learn from… chefs
Like chefs, good marketers with a full understanding of their customers' tastes can develop a targeted "content menu" (cross-platform), add key ingredients (video, dynamic gifs, infographics) and experiment with new "digital flavors" (chatbots, technology IoT). These are the secret ingredients that make up marketing in gastronomy. Do you have them all? We do!

Expert support
Marketing in gastronomy is one of our favorite areas. Our team includes experts for culinary special tasks. We prepare not only the concepts, but also ready-made, original recipes for individual brands. As a result, the client receives a dedicated recipe, tested by a professional chef. To this should be added our many years of experience, so the results will be really satisfactory.

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