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Case study

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our client reached 15 million recipients?



  • PR
  • Media Relations
  • copywriting
CEDR Energo is a company that focuses on investments in the modernization and construction of heat sources, electricity and heat transmission networks.

Working with owners and operators of heat sources, the company is looking for implementation partners the most innovative and effective heat generation technologies. Their activities are always focused on the future, and ecology is a key element of each project.


  1. Reaching TOP nationwide media (meeting appropriate criteria from the point of view of brand goals)
  2. Brand visibility among regional recipients
  3. Building the position of brand experts by placing statements in the media

Our actions


Our activities allowed us to reach over 15 million recipients within a month. Thanks to 553 publications, information about the brand reached both readers of national and regional media. Long-term relations with the media meant that the client received free advertising space, the actual costs of which would exceed PLN 1 million.

Media in which the publications were published:
- Gazeta Współczesna (print)
- E-heat
- Warsaw Our city
- Agro Zone
  • Reception 15 093 053
  • Number of publications 553
  • AVE 1 103 051

Products used


We use the media to talk about the client's brand and gain the attention of the audience
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Communication strategy

We deliver personalized solutions that drive growth and build lasting relationships.
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Our cooperation with CEDR Energo brought excellent results already in the first month of cooperation. Through intensive efforts, we have achieved extraordinary results impressive results. Activities focusing on PR, media relations and copywriting resulted in 553 publications in just one month.

These are impressive numbers prove the effectiveness of our activities and confirm that an approach based on market analysis and high-quality content is a key element of an effective PR campaign. We are convinced that our further cooperation will bring equally excellent results.

Want to achieve equally impressive results? Check what else ideas for using your company's presence in the media you can use to promote your brand.
Client's business assistant

Bartosz Zieliński

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