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A complete look at the sales funnel
In sales, each day is a new opportunity to contact potential customers, conclude a transaction and get closer to the goal. However, it is also important to conduct sales audits on a regular basis. This will allow you to make sure that your team operates at a high level that meets or exceeds the expectations of your customers. Commplace as an external auditor will provide you with key information on the sales and marketing teams. We will analyze all the elements that make up the sale. In short, our business sales audit will help you make better sales decisions.

Better forecasts and planning of expenses
Forecasting and business planning go hand in hand. Without a year-end revenue target, your team has a hard time creating plans to drive sales growth. Moreover, without robust forecasting techniques, it is difficult to make a business case for spending and marketing efforts. Most businesses want every dollar they spend to generate revenue - a 2: 1 ROI. We have good news for you. You can get even more.

What is a sales audit
Sales audit - also known as sales process audit - is a detailed analysis of the sales process in your company. By conducting it with Commplace, you can be sure that you will not miss anything. From staff to software to strategy. The audit will help you identify the gaps and show the improvement opportunities that you can implement in the sales team. Sales audits are essential to set up your sales team and business for future success.

Selling is building relationships
A sales audit is an in-depth analysis of historical sales and marketing data in order to gain a complete view of the sales path from potential customers to customers who buy. It's a periodic analysis of what works and what doesn't. This knowledge will help your company increase sales and develop. We will conduct a sales audit, delving into the sales process of your company. All this to identify opportunities, trends, bottlenecks and barriers. Moreover, a properly conducted sales audit can help in improving the return on investment.

A sales audit will tell you the truth
A sales audit carried out by Commplace specialists will allow you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of sales. And then improving or enhancing hotspots.
We will find answers, among others to questions about this:
• What is the average number of leads your company generates in a given period?
• How many of these potential customers are you able to attract through your marketing activities?
• How long does it take on average to transform a potential customer into a customer? Does it depend on the acquisition channel?
• Which streams of marketing support are the most engaging with potential customers, and which have worse open and click rates?
• Do you have enough leads for your sales team to operate effectively?
• Does your company need additional sales team members?

More customers and more sales
The last and final step in the sales audit process is looking at customer service. Let's assume that you have developed a system of nurturing and converting potential customers in the sales and marketing departments in your company. You are investing time to conduct a serious audit. This way you want to update your tools, create more content and evaluate the effectiveness of your team. We're here to do it for you. All this work is for more than just getting more leads. It is also intended to encourage those present to buy again. We will show you what to do to stop your existing customers being satisfied. We will make them incredibly satisfied.

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